
교과목 설명 - 코드, 교과명, 학과, 교수, 과정구분, 전화번호등의 내용
교과목코드 DL221831 교과목명 인공지능 응용과 이해
강의학과 정보통신공학과 교수 정재희
교수소속 정보통신공학과 이수학년
과목구분 과정구분 석·박사공통
이메일 jhjung@mju.ac.kr 전화번호
테이블 이름 - 주차 및 주제내용
주차 주제
1주차 1. Introduction of Graph
2주차 2. Node embeddings
3주차 3. Graph neural networks
4주차 4. A general perspective on GNNs
5주차 5. GNN augmentation and training
6주차 6. Heterogenous graphs
7주차 7. Knowledge graphs
8주차 8. Reasoning over knowledge graphs
9주차 TBD : Recently published paper concenred about Graph AI (GAE, Graph Embedding, Graph Diffusion etc)
10주차 TBD : Recently published paper concenred about AI and bioinformaticsTBD : Recently published paper c
11주차 TBD : Recently published paper concenred about Graph AI (GAE, Graph Embedding, Graph Diffusion etc)
12주차 TBD : Recently published paper concenred about Graph AI (GAE, Graph Embedding, Graph Diffusion etc)
13주차 TBD : Recently published paper concenred about Graph AI (GAE, Graph Embedding, Graph Diffusion etc)
14주차 TBD : Recently published paper concenred about Graph AI (GAE, Graph Embedding, Graph Diffusion etc)
15주차 TBD : Recently published paper concenred about Graph AI (GAE, Graph Embedding, Graph Diffusion etc)